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Research & Useful links

Dr Perrin's Research Specialist diagnostic tool and treatment for CFS/ME.
The results of Dr Perrin's nitial research can be found in the following peer reviewed papers:
1. Perrin R,N 1993 Chronic Fatigue syndrome, as review from the biomechanical perspective. Bristish Osteopathic Jounral; Vol xi.
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2. Perrin R,N 2005 The involement of Cerebrospinal fluid and lymphatic drainage in chronic fatugue syndrome
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3. Perrin R, N 2007 Lymohatic drainage of the neuraxis in chronic fatigue syndrome:
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4..Perrin R N, et al. 2017 Can physical assessment techniques aid diagnosis in people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis? a diagnostic accuracy study
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